How to add section acces to Qlikview

Filtering down your Qlikview reports to let your employees only see data from their own department, or product line can be very useful as it allows fewer reports that can be shared securely to a larger audience. We discuss how to add section access to Qlikview below.

Where is the section access coded?

The section access is coded right from the report’s loading script. 
* We recommend that you make a copy of your Qlikview report in case you forget your admin password.

What the code to use and the scenario being used?

In this scenario, we assume that you need to filter your Qlikview report by country.
The country field on our table is called ‘Against-country’, which we set to uppercase in the loading script (As seen below).

Where do we set the user names and their login/ password?

Add a new data source: An excel file that contains the user name, his/her password, the access level and the country that they are assigned to, as seen below.
*Note: If a user needs to be granted access to more than one country, then an additional line including user name, password and access would need to be created by country.
  The ‘AGAINSTCOUNTRY’ field, or the filtering field(s) used on the section access load script must be identical to the section access database/ excel file header name.


Then load that table’s fields on the loading script (As seen below).

Save the document and go to Setting > Document and Properties > Opening (tab) > Check the boxes: 

Initial Data Reduction on Section Access and Strict Exclusion 

This will activate the section access and filter your data according to the section access in place. 

Save the changes and reload data. 

When the user open the Qlik View app, he will be prompted to enter his User ID. Based on the ID the app will filtered and shower only the data associated to this User ID. 

Do not hesitate to reach us for more information.

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Do you need assistance on developping your Qlik reports?

We are Bi developers that help businesses develop their reports fast, across the world.
We have extensive knowledge on Qlikview, Qliktech, Nprinting and PowerBi. 

We help companies through remote training, development and data mining services. 

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