Empowering informed decisions

You have the power to choose your NetSuite product and service partner. 

For those who need assistance and reassurance when buying NetSuite licenses and services.

What are you paying for?

Sales reps often dazzle unware users with heavily customized demo accounts and leave you speechless with the depth of all the functionalities NetSuite has. But did you know your specific business needs before investing on the NetSuite platform?

The price illusion

Sales reps will often let you express your nice-to-haves and start you off wil a first engagement on basic NetSuite, claiming all you asked for can be done in later stages. Initial prices are affordable but you end up paying T1 ERP prices to get where your business needs to be.

Asking the right questions

Even though NetSuite can be developped to match your exact needs, most parters cannot afford to spend too much time on risky developments that they may not be able to complete. 


Some business processes are not provided by NetSuite outside the USA and Canada. What you see on the demo is often not what you’ll get. We’re here to guide you.


Bridging NetSuite with your 3rd party ‘best of breed’ apps is said to be an easy task but in reality, most integration projects end up costing six figures. Are you prepared?

Project plan and calendar

Some unethical NetSuite partners will claim to be able to implement NetSuite in weeks and do not even use a project plan that covers all the necessary steps to implement the ERP. Using interns to install bundles (Copy pasting other customer’s work) on your system and making you pay for it. Avoid unreasonable deadlines.


We are NetSuite experts with consultants averaging 15 years of experience each, in the field of accounting and consulting.
Our goal is to help companies make more money by improving efficiencies anrd reducing costs.
We work on a ‘per mission’ basis or on ad-hoc (Time and material) one.
Our customers speak for us.

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