Need a NetSuite estimate?
Cloud At Work Mauritius is here to help!
How NetSuite prices their products
The higher your monthly transaction volume, the more powerful your server needs to be.
NetSuite ranks their servers’ power by number of transaction lines your company generates per month.
NetSuite provides a wide variety of products to best match your needs and avoid charging you you for features you don’t need. These range from CRM, ERP and verticalized solutions called ‘SuiteSuccess’.
Bundles are extensions to NetSuite’s standard functionality. Examples of bundles are Advanced financials, Fixed Asset Management, Dunning letters, Advancved inventory Management, Advanced Project management.
Per user access fees
NetSuite offers 7 access types:
1) Full access (Role based access without limits)
2) Employee centre access (Cheaper but restricted to time entry and employee expense claim entry).
3) Customer access (Free but limited to viewing history and tickets).
4) Vendor Access (Free and limited to viewing history inc. Bill status and payments).
5) Partner centre (Free and limited to history)
6) Advanced partner centre (For a small fee, allow partners to view allocated project tasks and enter time sheets).
7) Auditor (Free and limited to viewing your accounting entries).
Multi Subsidiary impact on prices
The OneWorld feature
NetSuite provides a ‘OneWorld’ feature to allow the accounting and consolidation of multiple subsidiaries on its instance. As mentioned above, the price of the ‘Oneworld’ feature will vary based on the size of your business. It inlududes 1 country and 1 currency. This means that owning OneWorld will allow you to enter 200 and more companies at no additional costs, as long as these are in the same country and report on the same currency.
Number of reporting currencies
NetSuite will charge you for every additional currency that your subsidiaries need to report on.
Number of countries managed on NetSuite
NetSuite will charge you a per-country fee that your subsidiaries operate in. You can have to a total of 200 companies or more shared across any single country within your NetSUite OneWorld account.
We are NetSuite experts with consultants averaging 15 years of experience each, in the field of accounting and consulting.
Our goal is to help companies make more money by improving efficiencies anrd reducing costs.
We work on a ‘per mission’ basis or on ad-hoc (Time and material) one.
Our customers speak for us.